



IFB GET_UWSC_NAME = "DisplayInfo.uws" THEN

        DIM i
        FOR i = 0 TO MONITOR() - 1
                PRINT i + " (" + MONITOR(i, MON_X) + "," + MONITOR(i, MON_Y) + ") (" + MONITOR(i, MON_WIDTH) + "," + MONITOR(i, MON_HEIGHT) + ") (" + DisplayInfo.Get(i, MON_WIDTH) + "," + DisplayInfo.Get(i, MON_HEIGHT) + ") " + DisplayInfo.Get(i)


MODULE DisplayInfo

        HASHTBL _width, _height

        FUNCTION Get(no, type=-1)
                RESULT = -1
                IF !_width[no, HASH_EXISTS] THEN GetInfo(no)
                IFB _height[no, HASH_EXISTS] THEN
                        SELECT type
                        CASE MON_WIDTH
                                RESULT = _width[no]
                        CASE MON_HEIGHT
                                RESULT = _height[no]
                                RESULT = SQRT(POWER(_width[no], 2) + POWER(_height[no], 2)) / 25.4

        FUNCTION GetInfo(no)
                RESULT = FALSE
                DIM device = CHR(840) + FORMAT(CHR(0), 419)
                IFB EnumDisplayDevicesW(NULL, no, device, 0) THEN
                        DIM ds = SPLIT(device, CHR(0), TRUE), hdc = CreateDCW(ds[1], ds[1], NULL, NULL)
                        IFB LENGTH(ds) > 4 THEN
                                IFB ASC(ds[3]) AND 1 THEN
                                        _width[no] = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, 4)
                                        _height[no] = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, 6)
                                        RESULT = TRUE

        DEF_DLL EnumDisplayDevicesW(var wstring, DWORD, var pwchar, DWORD): BOOL: user32
        DEF_DLL CreateDCW(wstring, wstring, wstring, wstring): DWORD: gdi32
        DEF_DLL DeleteDC(DWORD): BOOL: gdi32
        DEF_DLL GetDeviceCaps(DWORD, int): int: gdi32

TEXTBLOCK displayinfo_uws_memo
/* Device Parameters for GetDeviceCaps() */
#define DRIVERVERSION 0     /* Device driver version                    */
#define TECHNOLOGY    2     /* Device classification                    */
#define HORZSIZE      4     /* Horizontal size in millimeters           */
#define VERTSIZE      6     /* Vertical size in millimeters             */
#define HORZRES       8     /* Horizontal width in pixels               */
#define VERTRES       10    /* Vertical height in pixels                */
#define BITSPIXEL     12    /* Number of bits per pixel                 */
#define PLANES        14    /* Number of planes                         */
#define NUMBRUSHES    16    /* Number of brushes the device has         */
#define NUMPENS       18    /* Number of pens the device has            */
#define NUMMARKERS    20    /* Number of markers the device has         */
#define NUMFONTS      22    /* Number of fonts the device has           */
#define NUMCOLORS     24    /* Number of colors the device supports     */
#define PDEVICESIZE   26    /* Size required for device descriptor      */
#define CURVECAPS     28    /* Curve capabilities                       */
#define LINECAPS      30    /* Line capabilities                        */
#define POLYGONALCAPS 32    /* Polygonal capabilities                   */
#define TEXTCAPS      34    /* Text capabilities                        */
#define CLIPCAPS      36    /* Clipping capabilities                    */
#define RASTERCAPS    38    /* Bitblt capabilities                      */
#define ASPECTX       40    /* Length of the X leg                      */
#define ASPECTY       42    /* Length of the Y leg                      */
#define ASPECTXY      44    /* Length of the hypotenuse                 */

#define LOGPIXELSX    88    /* Logical pixels/inch in X                 */
#define LOGPIXELSY    90    /* Logical pixels/inch in Y                 */

#define SIZEPALETTE  104    /* Number of entries in physical palette    */
#define NUMRESERVED  106    /* Number of reserved entries in palette    */
#define COLORRES     108    /* Actual color resolution                  */

// Printing related DeviceCaps. These replace the appropriate Escapes

#define PHYSICALWIDTH   110 /* Physical Width in device units           */
#define PHYSICALHEIGHT  111 /* Physical Height in device units          */
#define PHYSICALOFFSETX 112 /* Physical Printable Area x margin         */
#define PHYSICALOFFSETY 113 /* Physical Printable Area y margin         */
#define SCALINGFACTORX  114 /* Scaling factor x                         */
#define SCALINGFACTORY  115 /* Scaling factor y                         */

// Display driver specific

#define VREFRESH        116  /* Current vertical refresh rate of the    */
                             /* display device (for displays only) in Hz*/
#define DESKTOPVERTRES  117  /* Horizontal width of entire desktop in   */
                             /* pixels                                  */
#define DESKTOPHORZRES  118  /* Vertical height of entire desktop in    */
                             /* pixels                                  */
#define BLTALIGNMENT    119  /* Preferred blt alignment                 */

#if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
#define SHADEBLENDCAPS  120  /* Shading and blending caps               */
#define COLORMGMTCAPS   121  /* Color Management caps                   */
#endif /* WINVER >= 0x0500 */

typedef struct _DISPLAY_DEVICE {
  DWORD cb;
  TCHAR DeviceName[32];
  TCHAR DeviceString[128];
  DWORD StateFlags;
  TCHAR DeviceID[128];
  TCHAR DeviceKey[128];